
by David Williamson
Directed by Sher Kearney
By special arrangement with The Cameron Creswell Agency Pty Ltd

Ziggi Blasko is a talk-back host whose power is in his influence over his audience. He fills Sydney’s airwaves with sheer bile and his lashing at political correctness. Not surprisingly, Ziggi’s home is a war zone. His young, second wife Carmela is struggling to re-establish her ballet career after having a baby. his daughter Vivienne has run away from her mother to live with them and his father, deeply depressed according to Ziggi’s sister Connie, also comes to stay. A scathing and bitingly funny play about he media personalities that dominate our lives and the divisions that can shatter families.

Ziggy Blasko – David Burke
Vivienne Blasko – Harriet Bridges-Webb
Carmela Blasko – Tara Jay
Connie Blasko – Leonie Bringolf 
Marko Blasko – Richard Lewis
Zehra – Tracey Okeby Lucan
Tony – Rob White

Performances at 5pm
Saturday July 21 and August 4
Sunday July 22, 29 and August 5

Performances at 8pm
Wednesday July 25 and August 8
Friday July 20, 27, August 3 and 10
Saturday July 28 and August 11